Team Meetings: Do You Have Those in Your Business? If Not, Why???

Our office started having regular team meetings a couple of years ago.  It’s been a great way to bring our team together and keep everyone on the same page as far as processes and procedures are concerned.  We also use it as an opportunity to review insurance coverages and trends with our team.

Each month one team member including the owners select two topics out of a hat and present to the team on that topic.  We’ve covered everything from water backup to tree removal to cyber liability insurance and everything in between.

In addition, to these topic s we have picked a book per year to focus on and read as a team.

Last year we all read “Fierce Conversations” by Susan Scott.  Each month every team member had to bring three things that impacted them from the chapter we just read for that month and present on one of them.  If someone said your take away you need to have a backup. Most of the team couldn’t wait to report on their item.

We also try to incorporate one fun activity per month in each meeting.  We typically start our meetings with random ice breaker questions to give our team an opportunity to get to know each other even better.

We also have a done a little quick ping pong tournament and minute to win it games.  It’s a great way to blow off a little steam and refocus ourselves before we get back to our desks.

If you aren’t having monthly team meetings you really should consider doing it.  It’s a great way to help foster team building, get everyone on the same page, talk things out and build team unity.  #teammllins #monthlyteammmeetings #minutetowinitn

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CHANGE IN OFFICE HOURS: Our office will be closing at 2:30PM on Wednesday, January 15th so our team can celebrate the Christmas holiday together. FRIDAY HOURS: Our office will be closing at 4PM on Friday's. If you have a claims emergency please call 517-351-9117 or click on "Client Service" for additional help.