This year Will and I decided to implement the ML&L Cares: Trusted Choice for Charities program. What is this? Our agency will donate $500 each month to a local area non-profit that is referred to us by YOU our clients.
Just email with the name of the charity, a quick description and contact information for the charity.
The name of the charities that are referred to us go before our ML&L Charity committee that consists of a team member from our service, sales and management team and they select one recipient each month. The charities that were not selected stay on our list for the following month. The more times the same charity is referred the more weight it is given before the committee.
This month’s recipient is: Big Brothers Big Sisters Michigan Capital Region
Big Brothers Big Sisters vision is to bring role models into the lives of children. Today Big Brothers Big Sisters operates in all 50 states and in 12 countries around the world. They offer community and school based programs.
Their community based programs consist of one to one outings and activities such as going to a museum, listening to music or going for a walk. The possibilities are endless as each match is totally unique.
Their school program doesn’t mean they just mentor in a classroom setting. They have other options available such as talking about their classes, doing homework together, reading, shooting hoops or even playing on the playground. It really just depends upon the matching that is done.
Big Brothers Big Sisters programs give kids the opportunity to realize their potential at school but also empowers kids to succeed and thrive bothn in and out of school.
If you would like to volunteer please click here:
If you would like to donate please click here:
Thank you Big Brothers and Big Sin sters for all that you do here in the Capital area and across the country to help kids! #teammllins #mllcares #trustedchoiceforcharity #community #sharingiscaring #bigbrothersbigsisters #servicetoourcommunity