Always Be Learning!

Last week was full of learning for a variety of our team members!  Chris is working on his CIC (Certified Insurance Councilor) insurance designation and was in classes part of the week.  Will, Lisa and Justin spent a good part of the day last week meeting with their Michigan Keystone partners learning from one another.

In 2017 our agency joined forces with several other Michigan Independent Insurance agencies and Keystone Insurers Group to offer our clients and our team additional resources as well as access to additional insurance companies.  We are still the same agency we have always been with the same ownership.  We now have access to some phenomenal risk management resources, life insurance companies, HR resources, intellectual capital and much much more!

We kicked off the year learning from our partners about how they run, manage, motivate, educate and keep their team accountable.  We walked away with a lot of really great ideas and things that we are slowly starting to implement within our office.

Education has always been a very important piece of our industry but also for our agency as well.  We are looking forward to sharing what we all learned with the rest of the team. #teammllins #bettertogether #keystoneinsurersgroup

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Call Email Claims Payments
CHANGE IN OFFICE HOURS: Our office will be closing at 2:30PM on Wednesday, January 15th so our team can celebrate the Christmas holiday together. FRIDAY HOURS: Our office will be closing at 4PM on Friday's. If you have a claims emergency please call 517-351-9117 or click on "Client Service" for additional help.