The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round!

Back to School Bus Safety

New backpacks, lunch bags, notebooks, pens, pencils and boxes of Kleenex are filling homes across the country. New teachers, new classes and new friends mixed with excitement, anticipation and nerves are a lot of the things we associate with a new school year.

The last couple of months I’m sure we’ve all noticed the lack of school buses and school traffic on the road lately but that is all about to change as schools are starting to go back over the upcoming days and weeks. We’ve put together a great list of reminders for bus safety.  Here are just a few:

  • When you are leaving your garage or backing out of your driveway keep an eye out for kids walking or busing to school.


  • Please slow down and watch for kids waiting or traveling to the bus.


  • Buses with yellow flashing lights mean you need to slow down and prepare to stop as the bus is preparing to stop to pick up and drop off kids.


  • Red flashing lights warn you that the bus has stopped, and kids are getting on or off. You need to stop and wait until the red lights go off.


  • Make sure that your bus riders don’t hurry of the bus and make sure that they check for traffic first. They should be staying in sight of their bus drivers!


We know that back to school can bring anxiety to both kids and parents.  We hope these reminders will help ease some of that anxiety.  We wish you and your family the very best this school year!  Learn lots and try new things and meet new friends!


#teammllins #insurancenerds #firstdayofschool #bussafety #bus #schoolbus #newschoolyear





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