Meet Will Lemanski

We are in the process of wrapping up our team videos so you can get to know us even better! You’ve learned quite a bit along the way from bear hunting to scrap metal to highland dancing to college football…

Meet Chris Cook

Meet Chris Cook Chris is working on his second year with us here in East Lansing but lives in Jackson and spends one day a week working in his hometown. Take a quick minute literally a minute!! You won’t be…

What does Independence mean to you?

What does Independence mean to you? Over this long holiday weekend I took some time to reflect on what independence really means to me and my family. Various news channels interviewed Americans celebrating the holiday and as I listened to…

Tell Us About YOU!!

Tell Us About You! We’ve been working really hard here at MLL Insurance to connect with our current clients and prospects. We’ve re-focused on revamping our website; from blogging more to adding more videos of our team explaining coverages. We…

What do you know About Us?

One of my big goals for the agency was to create an About Us video that we could use on social media, our website, emails etc.I want usto be different from our competitors.I want you to “see” us and know…

Gutters…Who Knew???

Gutters…Who Knew? This past weekend was just beautiful here in Michigan! The sun was shining, the sky was blue, a nice breeze and you could feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Will and I went for a…

Call Email Claims Payments
CHANGE IN OFFICE HOURS: Our office will be closing at 2:30PM on Wednesday, January 15th so our team can celebrate the Christmas holiday together. FRIDAY HOURS: Our office will be closing at 4PM on Friday's. If you have a claims emergency please call 517-351-9117 or click on "Client Service" for additional help.